Russell's Paradox
Russell's Paradox Last few days ago I wished to do the proof of " Cantor's Theorem ", although I am familier with this theorem from my first year of college, I am not abel to recall the exact proof, so I thought to do just elaborate what its exactly say and step by step go . If you not familier with " Cantor's Theorem " I stated for you, " There is no surjective mapping from any set onto the power of that set (set of all subsets of the choosen set) " . One thing first click to my mind by the property of cardinallity of a set, that if the set contain n elements then power set of choosen set contain 2 n element. If you try to imagine this mapping you see to be surjective every element of power of set of the set goes to an element of the set (may not unique) and also keep in mind that to be well-defined mapping one element of the set must be go to a unique element of the power set of the set , so if we...