Infinity - An Illusion OR A Reality? I belive many people have this curiosity that Infinity- either it is a reality or its an illusion. This blog is not a answer of this mysterious question, but rather my opinion on infintity, although I never conclude that its not a reality or its a illusion, as a mathematecian I strongly belive everything I say must be strong base, I request every readers to comment their valueable opinions on Infinity / or if you have any conclusion then, Why? INFINTY The thought of Infinity first came to my mind when I am in class 11, I am curious about the Universe, every time still now when I closed my eyes and try to think about expansion of universe I am shocked, I am always wondered what is outside because the more we go outside its again expand where its end still a Question and the biggest question is " If there is an end then what after next ?" Althogh I am a mathematician no...