
Showing posts from July, 2022


                  TOPOLOGY - KING OF MATHEMATICS           From our childhood we are studying geometry, there we are studying different shapes and objects and their properties like area and many. Although in mathematics we are not bounded by dimension so we make any dimensional object and study it. By studying this in higher dimension we know more about real world and we more understand more pattern, this patterns are always in front of us but we have to find this.          Although we are saying in any dimension we are able work in any objects is it not that if we choose any arbitrary shape its sometimes difficult to study this formally.          Many days earlier I am familiar with another branch of mathematics there we don't have this boundary. Although by doing these process we have to make our geometry deform or properly say we not that much focus on geometry. Wait ! What I mean by that ? When we study geometry of any shape or any geometric object what is our basic tool to stu