Lebesgue Measure on ℝ

In my last blog on "Measuring a set", we see that how we can generalized the idea of length, area, volume for an set and we define special kind of set notions like sigma-algebra, algebra and define an arbitrary measure on that set we called that "Measure of a set." As beginning of the last blog I told that our generalization should be same as our existing idea of length, area, volume. The Lebesgue Measure on ℝ is a generalization of length. So there is two question, 1) Any subset of ℝ we take, can we measure it ? 2) The measure of the set and the length of the set is same ? We know that, if ℝ be my set then P( ℝ ) is the set of all subsets of ℝ . Let's see we can measure any element of P( ℝ ) or not. To do that we first define equivalence definition of Lebesgue Measure on ℝ . Lebesgu...