Lebesgue Measure on ℝ


   In my last blog on "Measuring a set", we see that how we can generalized the idea of length, area, volume for an set and we define special kind of set notions like sigma-algebra, algebra and define an arbitrary measure on that set we called that "Measure of a set."

     As beginning of the last blog I told that our generalization should be same as our existing idea of length, area, volume. The Lebesgue Measure on  is a generalization of length. 

         So there is two question,

1) Any subset of   we take, can we measure it ?

2) The measure of the set and the length of the set is same ?

       We know that, if   be my set then P() is the set of all subsets of . Let's see we can measure any element of P() or not. To do that we first define equivalence definition of Lebesgue Measure on .

    Lebesgue Measure on   

  Let E be any subset of , we consider the set T = { Φ or set of open intervals in }, if we can cover my set by union of elements of T ( i.e. E ⊂ Ik, k ∈ , where Iis open intervals ) and we know for open intervals length is, ℓ[(a,b)] = b-a, 

then Lebesgue Outer Measure of E on  is,

       λ*(E) = inf {Σ ( Ik) : is sequence of open intervals with E ⊂ ∪  Ik}

[ here 'inf ' mean the infimum of the set]

  So, λ*(E) is an outer measure on . We call  λ*(E) is the Lebesgue Outer Measure on . We write Mℓ  for the sigma-algebra M(λ*(E)) of  λ*(E)- measurable sets E ∈ P() and call it the Lebesgue sigma-algebra of subsets of . Members of Mℓ sigma-algebra are called  Mℓ measurable set or Lebesgue measurable sets. We call (M) the Lebesgue measurable space and (ℝ ,  Mℓ ,  λ*(E) is the Lebesgue measure space on .

Some instant interesting results we can get from above definition,

1) For every x ∈ , we have {x} is Lebesgue measurable set and measure of {x} is 0, i.e.  λ*({x})=0 

2) Every countable subset of  is measure 0 in (Mλ*(E) ).

3) For every interval I we get, λ*(I) = (I).

Lets look for some examples,

a) λ*([4,10]) = inf { Σ ( Ik) : is sequence of open intervals with [4,10] ⊂ ∪  Ik}

The smallest cover for [4,10] is [4,10] ⊂ {4}  (4,10) ∪ {10}, 

so addition will be λ*{4} + λ*(4,10) + λ*{10}] = 0+(10-4)+0 =6 = ([4,10])

b) Try for λ*([4,10] ∪ [15,20]) ?

c)Try for λ*([4,10] ∪ [6,20]) ?

So our second answer is clear our definition of length of a set and measure of a set is same.

What about the first answer ?

Is every subset of  is measurable ?

Answer is no, we can construct a non-measurable subset in .

Consider the interval [0,1) in , let x , y ∈ [0,1) let us define a relation x ~ y if x-y is a rational number. We can prove this is an equivalence relation of [0,1). Let {Ek} be the collection of the equivalence classes with respect to this equivalence relation. {Ekis a disjoint collection and  Ek = [0,1). Any two elements of [0,1) which are in one equivalence class differ by a rational  umber and any two elements of [0,1) which are not in the same equivalence class differ by an irrational number.

Let P be a subset of [0,1) constructed by picking an element from each Ek 

We can prove that P is not a Lebesgue measurable set in .

So we conclude by a condition that,

A set E satisfy the Caratheodory criterion, which requires that for every A ⊂ ,

λ*(A) = λ*(A ∩ E) + λ*(A ∩ Ec).

The set of all such E forms a sigma-algebra. For any such E, its Lebesgue measure is defined to be its Lebesgue outer measure: λ(E) =λ*(E).

A set E that does not satisfy the Caratheodory criterion is not Lebesgue-measurable.

So we generalized the concept of length in a measure theory and answer two fundamental question of Lebesgue measure in  ℝ.


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